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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Happily Natural!

OMG! How could I forget to tell you guys that I am "Happily Natural"!!!! Made the descision to go natural about two years ago and I never looked back! I think the misconception that alot of people get is that going natural is going easy! That coudn't be the farthest from the truth. It is much easier to manage relaxed hair than it is to manage natural hair. Especially if you have a very kinky coil to your hair. BUT it is possible. I did not cut all of my hair off and start from scratch. It was actually by accident that I went natural. I waited too long to get a perm and LOVED the way my hair was curling and waving in the top where there was no perm. I thought. "Hmmmm...maybe natural wouldnt be such a bad idea." The rest is history, I've been natural ever since. My advice would be to cut your perm out gradually, it is a lot harder to grow all of your perm out because of the different textures of hair but it can be done! I am living proof. On my next post, I will be letting you all know what products worked and did not work for me while I was in my transitioning stage. Stay tuned!

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